Photo Restoration

Old Photos Made New

Don’t let those priceless old photos wither away. We want to help you preserve and restore your family’s memories for future generations to cherish.


We offer expert Photo Restoration and Retouching services so that your old photos will have new life and longevity. We can either print your retouched image and/or burn it to a disc so you can print reprints or enlargements later. From color-correcting faded photos to digitally repairing tears and scratches, our trained Photo Retouching and Restoration specialists are here to help.


Pricing is determined by the amount of time required to complete the project.


As all Photo Restorations are different and require different amounts of time to perfect, we ask that you bring in your photo so that we can give you an accurate quote.
















We can print monotone photos in either Sepia or B&W. Faded color images can be restored for color if the quality and condition of the original allows.